Monday, September 28, 2020

Merge LinkedIn Accounts to avoid confusion and keep your connections

Merge LinkedIn Accounts to avoid confusion and keep your connectionsDo you have two different LinkedIn Profiles?  It’s time to Merge LinkedIn Accounts to avoid confusion and get found more easily.  And if you do it the right way, you can keep all your valuable connections

Merge LinkedIn Accounts: you can do it in just 3 minutes

Here are the simple steps you can take to fix the problem:

  1. If you can sign into both accounts the process is simple: first, select the account you want to keep, and click the “Me” icon at the top of your homepage.
  2. Select Settings and Privacy from the dropdown menu
  3. Choose Account Management on the left side of the screen
  4. Click Merge Accounts
  5. Let LinkedIn know that you own the account: enter your email and password and click Submit
  6. LinkedIn will send you a confirmation notification and you’ll be able to keep your connections.

Unfortunately, some items won’t transfer over:

  • Profile content: so back this up first
  • Endorsements: why not make a list of your endorsers and ask them, nicely, if they’ll re-endorse you on your new “unified” profile
  • Recommendations: try taking the same route as for Endorsements
  • Saved Articles

Other issues

If you can’t log in to the account you want to close, don’t worry.  Just go to the Sign In page and click on Forgot Password?  Enter your email address and click Send Code.  This will send the password reset link to that email address.

If you no longer have access to that email address, LinkedIn still has procedures to help you access it to complete the “merge” process.

Now get to work

Get back building your profile, getting Endorsements and Recommendations.  LinkedIn has grown to be more than just a place to find a new job.  Potential customers want to know who you are, and use the site to get a feel for your history and accomplishments.  Take a look at my profile and you’ll see how my own company has helped our clients.

Merge LinkedIn Accounts to avoid confusion and keep your connections

Want to sound as professional as you look on LinkedIn?  Click here for information about Informer Marketing Messages on hold.

The post Merge LinkedIn Accounts to avoid confusion and keep your connections appeared first on Informer Messages on hold.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Messages on hold in Norwalk help businesses sound more professional

Messages on hold in Norwalk help businesses sound more professionalMessages on hold in Norwalk are an increasingly popular marketing tool for businesses that want to sound more professional, while also promoting the most profitable products and services.  How does your business make sure that your advertising reaches “the right people at the right time”?  Here’s how on hold messages for business work for others and can work for you.

Messages on hold in Norwalk: actual examples

Have you ever wondered what helps some businesses…some of your competitors…more successful?  On hold promotions can be a key part of the puzzle.  When consumers want or need something they begin a journey down the “sales funnel.” They best marketing delivers the right information to each of these consumers in the right way, when they’re ready to receive it.

Messages on hold are a part of a success promotional campaign.  When consumers take the step past gathering information from your website, they’re getting closer to buying.  Typically they visit your showroom or call you for information (especially these days!).  That’s your opportunity to help them make the right decision: buying from you.

What happens when they call?

Did you know that AT&T research shows that 69% of business telephone callers are placed on hold?  These are your customers and others who are interested in your help.  Placing them on “hold,” where they sit in silence, or are stuck listening to the default VoIP music on hold doesn’t help them…or you.  And can leave callers in Norwlak frustrated or annoyed.

You have a better option

Why not create a better “User Experience” (or “UX”).  Start giving them information that they want and that you want them to have.  You know what shoppers call about. So use this knowledge to give callers helpful information, and reasons to buy from you.

Who can do it for you?

The Informer provides the complete service that creates a powerful marketing tool: your callers will get the information that they want, and that will help them make the decision to buy from you.  The result is that you can sell more on every phone call.  What do Norwalk, CT businesses say about their results?

Used you at Radisson, and experienced a 30% increase in inquiries.
Mike Matraza, Corporate Training Consultant, Anthony Robbins, Inc. Norwalk CT

We’ve probably gotten 30-40% increase in our inquiries…That’s a nice healthy increase.
RP, Par Pool and Spa, Norwalk CT

You get everything you need for successful marketing messages on hold from The Informer:

  • Discovery Session to come up with ideas
  • Strategy
  • Script writing and revision
  • Broadcast quality recording
  • And updates of your messages if you choose

Interested in finding out more about the process?  Click here to view answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and find out how the process works.

Or contact us

If you know that you’re ready, why not contact us for a free 15-minute discovery session?

In Norwalk, CT, call us at 203-655-3920 (throughout Fairfield County).  In Connecticut at nationwide, call us toll free at (800) 862-8896.

Messages on hold in Norwalk help businesses sound more professional

The post Messages on hold in Norwalk help businesses sound more professional appeared first on Informer Messages on hold.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

How To Cope in The New Normal: 10 tips for your business

How To Cope with The New NormalHow to cope in The New Normal is the question on so many business owners’ minds that I started listening closely to what was working for them, and thought that I’d share them.

How To Cope with The New Normal

  1. Stop, and assess the situation.  Everyone knows that news outlets thrive on shock value.  Trying to put all the bad news aside, what’s your realistic situation?  Sometimes it’s not as bad as it may seem.  Are you facing a temporary setback, or is are most drastic measures called for to make major changes
  2. What can you control, and what can’t you control.  We’re each dealt a hand of cards.  Focus your efforts on what’s in your control.  Change what you can.
  3. Supposedly (but not really) the Chinese character for “crisis” is made up of two different ideas: “danger” and “opportunity.”  In every crisis there may be opportunities for those who can take a step back and find them.
  4. What’s changed, and what’s the same?  While there are many people are hesitant to go to retail stores, these same stores do have necessities that they need to get some way or another (like chocolate and toilet paper)
  5. What do you do best?  This was the reason you were successful in the past.  How can these same skills help you thru the current situation?  While many of us keep trying to work on our weaknesses, I’ve hear it said that one secret is to improve your strengths.  Many times you can outsource the things you don’t do well (and never will…like accounting)
  6. Customers come, and customers go.  Give them reasons to come back.
  7. Take a break.  Getting out of the office for a short while at lunch can help.  Doing something exciting over the weekend can change your outlook.
  8. Find the most positive thing you can do.  Do it.
  9. What was the project you thought was really important in January, but were too busy to do?  Why not do it now?
  10. Remember networking?  It’s different, but it’s not dead.  Call your best connections.  Help them out.  They’ll return the favor.

This too shall pass

I talk with people all day, every day.  I’ve heard how things have changed.  April’s crisis has changed…it’s not gone, but its working better

What are your goals?

There might actually be new ways to reach them now that didn’t exist before.

There’s always a New Normal.  Our job is to find the best way to cope with it, and make it work.

Why not try giving your customers ideas about how you can help them in The New Normal.  Informer Messages on hold can help.

How To Cope in The New Normal


The post How To Cope in The New Normal: 10 tips for your business appeared first on Informer Messages on hold.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

12½ Reasons to Buy From You: Do your customers know?

Reasons to Buy From You: Do your customers know?Do your customers actually know the best reasons to buy from you?  If they don’t, they’ll probably end up buying from your competition. When your prospect asks “So why should I buy from you?” do you have a good answer?  This might be a good time to sit down and come up with a list.

Don’t bother telling them that you have “award winning service,” or “the best product.”  Even if you’re talking with your brother-in-law, consumers want a good reason to buy from you, and not shop around for a better deal.  So here are ___ Reasons for your next customer to buy from you.

Reasons to Buy from you

  1. You were referred to them by a friend.  A personal referral is one of the most powerful reasons to buy from you.  Because the prospect doesn’t know you, they don’t know if they can trust/rely on you.  But if you came through for a friend, that hurdle is eliminated
  2. You have 137 great Google Reviews: these are actually just as powerful as Personal Referrals.  If an entire crowd think that you were a great choice, that’s convincing.
  3. Low Risk: product demonstrations, free trials, money-back guarantees, month to month contracts all reduce the risk of making the wrong decision, so they make it easier to try buying from you.
  4. Guarantees help in the same way: if the product doesn’t work, you offer a written guarantee that you’ll make it work
  5. Convenience: if everyone else makes it inconvenient to buy from them (they have inconvenient hours, they’re not easy to reach, their sales reps don’t help, etc.) and you make it easy, I’ll be more likely to buy from you.  Amazon makes it more convenient to buy just about anything: just a few clicks, and it arrives at your doorstep in days, at no extra charge.
  6. But some businesses compete with Amazon very successfully: so there’s more that convinces the customer than overnight delivery.  You can buy a hammer or pliers online, but my local hardware shows you…hands on…how to use them.  That’s added value.
  7. You understand your prospect’s problems and show them how you’ll solve them.  Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and think about what their problems, needs, and desires are.  Then talk about them.
  8. You understand your competition, and show how you solve their weaknesses.  Everybody has competition, and every business has weaknesses. Show how what you do is important so when your prospects are talking with your competition, they understand that you give them more of what they really need.
  9. Your product’s best feature: what do your best clients tell you that they like most?  This might just be one of the features that sets you apart.  Tell prospects about it.
  10. Your product really is different.  This is your USP, or Unique Selling Proposition.
    What’s different about your product?  Some products go to extremes to be different: like “Death Wish Coffee,” that brags about being “The World’s Strongest Coffee.”  Start by making a list of specific potential “differentiators” and compare them to your target market’s needs.
  11. You offer more: if everybody sells cookies, but you sell cookies AND you sell milk, that’s a great idea.  Your customers want complete service.
  12. Try telling a story about your clients’ frustrations and how you solved them.

12½  The benefit you offer.  Educate them about the value of your product: Consumers don’t buy
features, they buy benefits.  Do you solve a “pain” that many people have?  Tell your customers.
Solving their problem could be the best reason to buy from you.

Have you ever wondered…

Think about when  you’re the customer, and a salesperson is pitching you.  You have choices.  You have other suppliers who will sell to you.  Have you ever wondered…or asked…”why should I buy from you?”

Your customer wants to know

Your customer wants to make the best decision, and may ask you.  So be prepared.  Understand your customer’s needs, and why they really should buy from you and not your competition.

Why not tell everyone?

When you have a good reason for shoppers to choose you, why not tell them all?   Informer Messages on hold deliver the right message to the right people at the right time: when the shopper is interested enough to call you.  When they’re looking for the answer to “why should I buy from you.”

Interested a marketing tool that will help shoppers decide to buy from you?  Find out about how Informer Messages can work for you by clicking here.

The post 12½ Reasons to Buy From You: Do your customers know? appeared first on Informer Messages on hold.