Monday, June 18, 2018

What is Queue Time: it’s a great way to annoy and lose customers

What is Queue Time? Its your best chance to lose a customer!What is queue time? Today it’s at an all-time high, according to Call Center Magazine.   It happens more times each day and at more businesses than ever before.  We’re a nation of “hurry up and wait.”  And it’s affecting your business.

Like your competitors, you spend most of your marketing budget trying to attract the attention of potential customers.  If you’re successful they’ll visit your website.  If you’re really successful, they’ll call you. And that’s where the problems start.  Increasingly long telephone queues and hold time frustrate customers.  A depressing article calculated that “you will spend 43 days of your life on hold.”

What is Queue Time: a lost opportunity

The time that your telephone callers spend waiting listening to hold music can make the customer experience unbearable.  Even the best hold music simply wastes time.  So why not break out of the box, and give your calls more?

Your callers are you potential customers.  Every call is…a call for help.  Callers want to ask questions so they can make an informed buying decision. They want to know about your products (or services).  Are they the right choice?

So why not give your callers information, instead of boring music on hold?  Replace telephone hold music with on hold messages for business.

What is queue time going to do?

How?  Custom developed marketing messages deliver information to your callers that they want…and that you want them to have.  They give you the opportunity to talk about product benefits…about quality…about what makes you unique.  In today’s hurried world, finding a chance to communicate this information can be a real advantage.

What is queue time solution?

What do most of your callers ask you about?  What are they focused on?  What are their problems, and your best opportunities to help them?  The best on hold messages start with on hold scripts that talk about these issues (your customers’ “hot buttons”).  We start by learning about your business and what makes you unique.  Then we learn about your customers and their needs.  Informer custom on hold productions are created specifically with your telephone caller in mind.  The end result is an on hold message recording that is easily understood, and always remembered.

How are you using your queue time?

Are you just making your callers wait?  Or are you helping them to make the right choice…buying from you?  Call for a free Queue Analysis: we’ll examine information about your callers, their current buying behavior, and how the right on hold phone messages can help you achieve more of your goals.  You’re just one phone call away from a more successful business. So call for a Free Queue Time Analysis session: call 800-862-8896.  Or click here to register.

The post What is Queue Time: it’s a great way to annoy and lose customers appeared first on Informer Messages on hold.

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