Monday, November 12, 2018

Different Ways Messages on Hold Play: Two Key Distinctions

Different Ways Messages on Hold Play: there are two optionsThere are two different ways messages on hold play:  on a PBX telephone system, they play  an “on hold player.” This music on hold device is an add-on option to the phone system that plugs into a MOH (music on hold) jack (or port), and will “loop” or continually play your messages.  The on hold recording plays continually, 24/7 so there’s no real “beginning” or “end.”  The second method is different: your on hold message plays on VoIP phones: your messages play in the cloud, and usually start from the very beginning each time a phone caller is placed on hold.

Different ways messages on hold play means…

The systems that they play on are different.  Neither is better or worse if you plan in advance.  Writing effective messages on hold for the different kinds of systems means planning ahead for the best effect.

When your messages “loop” each messages stands on its own.  You can use this to your advantage: develop a script of 6, or 8, or 10 different messages, each on a different subject: you can give helpful hints, offer solutions to your customers’ common problems, or talk about the features and benefits of your other products and services.  Telling several different short stories lets you educate your caller about more of the ways that you help them, and can help you build your business.

In spite of the different ways messages on hold play…

Their job is the same, whether your messages play from the beginning of the recording or start at a random message: they’re there to help you sound more professional and to make every phone call more productive.

What would you like to accomplish today?  On hold advertising helps you reach more of your goals.  Think about it: marketing’s goal is to get your prospects interested, educate them interested in how you can help them, and help them make the best choice: buying from you.

Your phone recordings aren’t supposed to work all alone: they’re a part of your overall marketing plan.  Properly designed, they reinforce your other advertising, brochures, website and email blasts.  They can remind your customers about your promotions, product introductions, and services that they might be interested in. And they can do it in the time that your telephone callers now waste waiting on hold, in dead silence, or listening to music on hold.

What would you…

…like to accomplish today?  What would you like your customers and your best prospects to know about you so you can help them better, and stand out from your competition. Find out how you can accomplish more in a Free Strategy Session by calling (800) 862-8896.  In New York call (212) 355-6980.  In Connecticut call (203) 655-3920.  Call today and start accomplishing more tomorrow.

The post Different Ways Messages on Hold Play: Two Key Distinctions appeared first on Informer Messages on hold.

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