Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Hold Music for Business Phones in New York is a thing of the past. Right?

hold music for business phone in new york needs to be betterHold music for business phones in New York has really changed.  There was a time that music on hold was something special.  There was even a (infamous) company that was synanamous for the “dentist music” or “elevator music” that played on hold at many large businesses.  But music on hold just isn’t enough any more and the music on hold companies are a thing of the past.

Hold Music for Business Phones has been replaced in New York

Smart businesses have discovered the breakthrough that lets them replace onhold music, with something that your callers will like better. And you’ll like the reaction.

We all know that #holdhappens.  Your business is busy.  Your phones are busy. They ring when your customers have problems.  They call to find out if you can help.

Your callers want information: can you solve their problems?  Can you help them?  It all starts by educating them: telling them about what you do, how you do it, and what makes you special.  Let them know what you do best, and how you’re different from your competition.  That’s the kind of information that your callers want, and that you want them to have.

Do you like to listen to hold music for business phones?

We admit it: New Yorkers are impatient. We’re too busy to wait…and wait.  Playing phone music seemed like a good idea, but “that was then.”  Customer service is the key.  Giving your callers what they want, when they want it, leads to happier customers and business success.

What would you like your customers to know more about if you had a chance? Marketing has the job of delivering your message to the world.  Marketing (as well as advertising) is the way to communicate with everyone out there.  Just want to sound more professional?  Or is there something special about your business or your products and services?  Is there information about how your product can help them that would be useful to know about?

The replacement for hold music for business phones

The replacement is hold messages for business phones.

And how hard are they get?
We make it easy.  The Informer does everything for you: we learn about your business and (more importantly) your customers. We develop a strategy for helping them better.  And then we develop the most effective script for delivering your message. Not just telling them…but telling them in a way that they respond to.  In a way that helps you get the results you want.  Guaranteed.

Ready to upgrade from hold music for business?

If you compete in New York, you really don’t have a choice: you have to make the most of every opportunity. Take the next step, and sign up for your Free Discovery Session, to discover just how much you can accomplish on every call. Do it today. Click here to email us, or, in New York City, call 212-355-6980.  In Connecticut call 203-655-3920. Or Nationwide call 800-862-8896.  Do it now.

The post Hold Music for Business Phones in New York is a thing of the past. Right? appeared first on Informer Messages on hold.

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