Monday, August 20, 2018

Onhold Messages help you sell more, and sound more professional

Onhold messages?  Have you ever tried them?  They’re recorded information that you sometimes hear on “hold” when you call a business.  They replace music on hold with information.  Sometimes it’s generic (and annoying!).  Sometimes they’re custom recorded.
Here’s how onhold messages can help you sell more and sound more professional.

 Onhold messages should help you and your callers

The pioneers of using messages on hold (messages are called by different names!) were large reservation centers, such as airlines and hotels, about 30 years ago.  That’s when Informer Messages started delivering our clients’ messages to thousands of callers every day.  Airlines had lots of interesting and important information to give their New York callers:

  • Lots of new flights
  • tempting new destinations
  • convenient new airports they served
  • loyalty programs, and
  • add-on and upgrade offers

These companies’ call centers could analyze their calls and recognized that callers had to wait “in the queue” or on “hold” every day.  So they put the time to use.  In addition to keeping callers happier (so they didn’t hang up) the best messages actually increased sales revenue.

We’ve worked with airlines at New York’s JFK Airport such as:


Onhold messages Onhold messages

You can use onhold messages, too.

You may not run an airline, but you can benefit from phone advertising, too. #holdhappens.  When it does, you’ve got two choices:

  • hope that callers don’t get frustrated and hang up, or
  • do something about annoying hold time.

Onhold messages give you a new opportunity

When your phone rings, it’s a call for help.  Your customers need service or to place an order.  Your prospects want to know if you can help them.  So why not tell them.

What would you like your callers to know about?  Your newest products and services?  How you can solve their problems?  What makes you different from your competition?  Well written and produced on hold messages can do all this and more.  They can tell callers about seasonal products and promotions.  They can give product use tips.  They can improve your customer experience.

How hard are onhold messages to design?

Easy, when you work with an expert.  Call The Informer for a Free 15-minute Discovery Session, to find out about how others in your industry already benefit from giving their telephone callers on hold messages, and how you can, too.  In New York call 212-355-6980.  In Connecticut call 203-655-3920, and reach us Nationwide at 800-862-8896.

Call today, or click here for more information, and start helping your callers better by next week.

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