Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Best Business Phone System Upgrade ǀ Marketing Informer

best business phone system: it's the one you have with Informer Messages on holdThe best business phone system in New York would help you accomplish more of your goals, and be more successful.  It would help you engage with your customers and your best prospects.  It would help you sound more professional and sell more on every phone call.  Does your PBX or VoIP System have a feature that does all this?

The Best Business Phone System is yours with…

With a custom written and recorded message on hold, tailored to be the perfect fit for your business and your marketing plans to succeed in New York.

Messages on hold are a marketing tool that will work with your telephone system, simply by replacing the hold music.  Face it: New Yorker’s are too impatient to wait on hold, and hold music only makes that time less bearable!  Most new phone systems come with “default” on hold music.  That helps you sound just like thousands of other businesses, from Rocket Scientists to Real Estate Brokers, Doctors to Dog Walkers.  The answer is to get rid of the free on hold music, and replace it with high quality onhold messages.

How you can have the best business phone system

Successful Manhattan businesses provide the best “user experience” for their customers.  They provide the best service.

What would you like your sales prospects to know about your business?  What would help them make the decision to work with you?

  • what you do
  • how you do it
  • the value you offer
  • the advantages to working with you
  • how your product or service is different
  • how your product or service is better
  • how you’re different from the competition
  • new ways you can help them
  • and more

New Yorkers are always in a hurry.  There never seems to be enough time to tell your prospects about your business.  So why not put wasted “hold” time to use, filling it with interesting information, and ideas that they can use?  Educate them about what’s most important in making the right decision, and how you have exactly what they’re looking for.

You already have the best business phone system, but it needs help.

Today’s new business phone systems make it easy to give the right information to the right people at the right time: when they want your help, they want information, and they have picked up the phone to call you.

What can you achieve with messages on hold?  Why not find out what others in your industry have accomplished, and how you can get the “edge” over your competition.  Call or email now for a Free 15-minute Possibilities Planning Session, and make your telecom investment really pay off.  Call (800) 862-8896 for your free consultation, today.

The post Best Business Phone System Upgrade ǀ Marketing Informer appeared first on Informer Messages on hold.

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