Marketing guru Seth Godin said “The reason that price is all your customers care about is that you haven’t given them anything else to care about.”
Do your prospects seem to only focus on price? Do they ask you for discounts? Have you gotten questions like “Can you do any better?”
Customers looking for a lower price are simply looking for value. We all want it. We all want to get the best at for less. So to make the sale, salespeople want to impress the prospect with value. That’s the challenge to sales: showing the customer how your solution is the one that they’ve been looking for.
Value Added?
We’ve all heard about “added value.” But value isn’t something that you add later. It’s not a free accessory or extended warranty or free tech support. Nobody is impressed by these. And your competitors already offer these supposed ‘freebees’ so you’re not offering anything the prospect something they actually want.
Value is either in your offer, or it’s not.
Instead, lead with value: stress the features that makes your product or service unique, and a better deal. Like letting your prospect know about the features of your VoIP service and how they will provide more of what your customers appreciate.
What will your prospect consider valuable? Take the time to ask pertinent questions: who is the end user? What do they need? What to they want to accomplish?
When you show how your offer has true worth right from the first conversation, there’s no need to “close” the sale. Your customer will know, right from the start, that you’ve got what they want.
What does your customer value?
Consider before you answer: too many sales people simply assume the customer needs what you want to sell. They rely on the list of features on their sell sheet. They ignore the customer’s needs. In a great book called “Asking Questions Winning Sales” sales trainer Stephan Schiffman clearly shows how easy it can be to put the customer first, and find out what’s most important. It starts with asking questions, and listening to the answers.
Those answers are the beginning of the best sales. They tell you what the customer wants and needs. And is happy to pay for.
What does your customer want? A phone system? Or more sales? Or better communications with their key customers?
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