Monday, June 24, 2019

Targeted Advertising: 3 strategies you’re missing out on in New York

Targeted Advertising with Informer Messages on hold reaches your customersTargeted advertising isn’t the old “run of the mill” ad.  It’s much more effective. Why?  Because unlike most advertising in New York, it actually reaches the people who you want to reach. The people who are interested in what you have to say.  The people in Manhattan or Queens or Brooklyn who are most likely to buy from you.

If you had a choice between an ad that reached thousands of random people, and an ad that reached just your highest potential prospects, which would you choose?

Targeted Advertising reaches your best prospects

While some businesses continue to try to attract attention with “mass advertising,” today’s most successful companies have moved on.  These ads were supposed to catch your attention when they “interrupt” what you were doing.

Think about it.  You’re watching TV.  It’s getting to the good part.  And a commercial comes on.  Not just one commercial, but 3, or maybe 4.  And they’re louder than the TV show.  Or you open your inbox in the morning.  There are 168 new emails since you left the office last night.  Just about all spam.

Targeted Advertising still works

Newspaper advertising (so important in the 40’s and 50’s) has virtually dried up.  No one watches an ad on television: we “Tivo” our shows, and skip the ads.  Radio advertising is following the same path with personal playlists and ad-free Spotify.  Even email advertising has burnt its bridges and is ignored.

Not convinced?  According to HubSpot’s Global Interruptive Ads Survey conducted in 2016:

  • 94% of all consumers actually skip television ads completely
  • 94% unsubscribe from email
  • 27% throw away direct mail before reading it, and an amazing
  • 50% are on the national do not call registry

New Yorkers aren’t patient enough to put up with most advertising.

So what can you do to reach the consumer?  Targeted Advertising.

Reach your customer when they want to reached.  Reach them when they’re looking for help.  There are three proven strategies that you may not know how to use, but you’ve absolutely been targeted by:

  1. Adwords (aka Google Ads) “listen” to what consumers are searching for on Google.  Businesses bid against their competitors to have their ad displayed at the top of the “results” page and link to your website or landing page.  The value is that your ad shows up every time your bid is high enough and someone search your keyword.  But there’s a downside: you pay for every click (so it’s called also Pay Per Click).  In this case, you only get what you pay for.  And you pay every time.
  2. Retargeting: You visit a website, maybe just for fun.  It could be for Playstation Network or Doctor Sleep.  After that, every time you do a Google search or you go to Facebook, an ad for that website shows up.  They’re reminding you about what you searched for.  How’d they do that?  It’s called retargeting.  These ads “stalk” you for up to 90 days, reminding you that you were interested in them.  As an advertiser you pay for either every exposure or every click.
  3. Messages on hold.  When your phone rings, it’s “a call for help.”  Someone wants to know if you have what they want, or can help them solve a problem.  So why not make every call more productive (profitable) by putting wasted “hold” time to use?  Use it to give callers information that they want, and that you want them to have.  Japan Airlines knew that all their callers wanted a reservation to Japan.  So they used their Informer Messages to advertise the prestige of flying First or Business Class.  What are callers calling you about?  We’ll help you pinpoint the way to sell more on every call with Informer Messages, the targeted marketing tool.
Find out more about Targeted Advertising to reach New York customers

Bottom Line: if you’re not targeting your advertising, you’re missing your target.  You’re reaching people who aren’t interested in you, and people who want to know how you can help them.  For more information on how targeted Informer Messages on hold can help you, call for a free Discovery Session: In New York call 212-355-6980.  In New York State and nationwide call 800-862-8896 today.  And start hitting the target.

The post Targeted Advertising: 3 strategies you’re missing out on in New York appeared first on Informer Messages on hold.

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