Friday, June 7, 2019

VoIP On Hold Music is easy to replace…and it’s a free service

Voip On hold messages used to be recorded on audio cassettesVoIP On Hold Systems don’t get any respect!  Here’s why:

We see it all the time: a company like yours starts using messages on hold.  They sound good, and you sound professional.  New York customers are impatient, but fewer callers get frustrated if they have to wait on hold. Some of your callers start asking about the messages they hear.

Then you decide to move to a VoIP system.  It’s supposed to save you money and give you lots of free features.

One feature that every VoIP System in Manhattan comes with is “preloaded” music on hold.  It may even include a message that apologizes to callers for keeping them on hold so long.  Now we all hear the same exact “loop” of music no matter who we call…a brain surgeon or a used car lot. Everybody uses one of the top 3 or 4 VoIP providers.  They all provide “canned” music. And that’s what your callers end up hearing on hold.

VoIP on hold music is the same on every system

Not about your quality.  Not about your service.  Not about your newest offerings.  Your VoIP system replaces your old fashioned phones, but the installer never thinks to keep the marketing messages you still want callers to hear.

VoIP On Hold Messages make more sense

So what do you do?
Simple: you call The Informer.  We’ll work with your VoIP provider to find the best way to get your messages on hold loaded onto your VoIP system, and working for you again. And best of all: there’s no charge.  It’s free.  It’s all part of our free lifetime service guarantee.

The VoIP on hold problem is easy to solve

Getting a new VoIP system doesn’t mean that you have to lose your marketing messages on hold.  We’ve kept all our old Messages on hold recordings in our archive for years, and can (almost) always find a copy.  Some of our clients have changed phone systems several times, and we’ve helped them every time.  But if we don’t have your messages, we can quickly recreate them, or develop an updated script.

Don’t settle for VoIP on hold music.

Give me a call, and let’s fix the problem.  In New York City call (212) 355-6980.  In New York State and Nationwide Call (800) 862-8896.

New York City Headquarters: 212-355-6980

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