Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Custom On Hold Messages for Businesses in Norwalk help you sell more

Custom on hold messages for businesses in Norwalk can be the targeted marketing tool that reach your highest potential customers at just the right time.  There’s no other marketing or advertising tactic that does that.  Here’s how (and why) it works

Custom Messages on hold for businesses in Norwalk

Businesses spend about 94% of their marketing budget to attract attention: that’s great, but creating “awareness” that you exist is only the first step.  It’s where the “sales funnel” begins…but the next two steps are often overlooked.

Custom On Hold Messages for Businesses in Norwalk


Awareness is discovering you, and typically occurs as the result of an online search. 88% of Consumers research products online before buying off-line.  Awareness is just the first step in the sales funnel. Here come the two overlooked steps:


Now’s the time to tell about your product or service: educate your customer, explain the product features.  Here’s where consumers are interested in FAQ.  Provide helpful information.  Try a “drip” campaign to keep them interested. Back up your claims with research.  Build a relationship and you’ll build trust.  Then you can show that you’re the authority in your field.


Ok, they like what they see, but they’re not ready to buy.  Appeal to their emotions.  Stress the benefits instead of the features.  Give them a clear path to make the purchase.  Make it easy for them.

On hold mesages build Interest and Desire

After researching online, customers want more: more information, more answers, more reassurance.  They move off-line to a retail store or they pick up the phone.  When potential customers call you, you can sound more professional and deliver your message more effectively by including marketing messages on hold in the process.  Research shows that 69% of business telephone callers are placed on hold.  It also shows that 85% of callers on hold prefer hearing interesting information over silence.  That’s the perfect opportunity to provide information targeted at moving consumers from Awareness through Interest and Desire, to Action


Make the purchase easy, and rewarding.  Follow up, give success tips, use suggestions, follow up offers, and monitor satisfaction to get great customer reviews.

The entire funnel

Successful businesses understand that sales don’t just happen.  Sales involves providing the right information at the right time, to encourage consumers down through the sales funnel.

You can find out more about how messages on hold can play an important part in the process at our FAQ page by clicking here.

Or if you have questions about your sales funnel, click here to email us, or in Norwalk and throughout Connecticut call (203) 655-3920.  Nationwide call us at (800) 862-8896 today.

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