Whats a Guerrilla Marketing tool? Smart businesses have discovered that there’s an alternative to high priced advertising (today’s most popular advertising includes Print, Television, and Pay Per Click) that can still propel your business to success. These alternative promotional tools minimize the cost of your campaign without sacrificing effectiveness and profitability. Are you still stuck paying too much to promote your products?
Whats a Guerrilla Marketing Tool?
It’s defined as:
“an advertisement strategy in which a company uses surprise and/or unconventional
interactions in order to promote a product or service”
They’re not “Madison Avenue” techniques. But they’re affordable and effective. So why aren’t you using more of them?
From the beginning of the “Age of Advertising” big companies like Proctor and Gamble and Lever Brothers dominated the airwaves with advertisements created by the “Mad Men” of the day, using a technique called “The C&R Formula.” “C” was for creativity (cute ads with dogs and babies or movie stars) and “R” was for repeat (we’ve all been exposed to the same classic ads so many times that we can’t forget them…like “Don’t Squeeze the Charmin,” and “Two all beef patties…”)
The idea was that if they repeated it enough, you’d remember it. And we did. But that only achieved “name recognition,” not necessarily sales. Small and medium sized businesses can’t afford just to get recognized. They need sales. So marketer Jay Conrad Levinson recognized the need for small budget advertising that increased sales, and put them together in his book “Guerrilla Marketing.”
What were Levinson’s advertising techniques? They were simple ideas that anyone could afford: personal letters, Telemarketing, Circulars and Brochures, Signs, Radio, and more. Some of these are a little outdated, but other still work just as well as they always have.
Here’s another example: messages on hold
One of the tools that Levinson mentioned (three times!) in his book is “Messages on hold.” These telephone advertisements reach your best prospects: your existing customers and the people who call to learn more about your products and services every time they’re placed on “hold.” And #holdhappens: according to AT&T, 69% of business telephone calls are placed on hold. These callers usually listen to dead silence or music on hold. Or if they’re annoyed enough, the just hang up.
Informer Messages on hold put wasted hold time to use, telling callers about your business and how you can help them. They give callers information about your most profitable products and services, how you can solve their problems, and how you’re different from your competition. They’re custom written and recorded to help you reach more of your sales and marketing goals.
If you’re looking for low budget advertising techniques that will help your business grow, look for Levinson’s book. His ideas, like using messages on hold to advertise to your best prospects, are timeless.
What do your callers hear on hold?
Why not try a guerrilla tactic, and put this affordable and effective advertising tool to use? The marketers at The Informer will do everything for you. Find out more by calling 800-862-8896 or by clicking here.
The post Whats a Guerrilla Marketing Tool? appeared first on Informer Messages on hold.
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